Rios Tropicales

Rios Tropicales has been providing whitewater rafting adventures in Costa Rica since 1985. President, Rafael Gallo’s whitewater rafting company quickly grew to an all adventure ecotourism provider.  Our company provides to all clientéle, from families looking for a one-day tour, students spending over a month throughout our country, to corporate executives resolving Team-Building issues.  Costa Rica has a variety of natural resources, but its highlight is the Pacuare River. We promote this experience as the highlight of any vacation in Costa Rica.

Our Pacuare whitewater rafting trip can also be combined with a visit to our Rios Tropicales Lodge, which is immersed in the heart of the rainforest.  Our lodge features a canopy, nature interpretation, bird watching, and hikes that are included in all our packages.  Waterfall slides add to the perfect nature setting for the ideal vacation.  In an effort to renew the rainforest, our company has been purchasing grassland to reforest.  Clients staying at our lodge can contribute by planting trees on these properties.  We operate our Jungle Kayaking on the famous Tortuguero Mangroves, famous for its turtle hatching; it offers a diverse up-close nature learning experience.  Sea-Kayaking its done on the sheltered Gulf of Nicoya, camping on the amazing Curu Private Reserve. Enjoy our “Night Safari” floating down the Sarapiqui River with halogen lights looking for wildlife. Try mountain biking throughout the country or hiking in diverse cloud or in the dry rainforest.

Our main paddling operations are the Pacuare River, class III-IV on one-day and multi-day trips, and the Reventazon River which has sections classes II-III, III, and IV on one-day tours.

As Costa Rica has developed its tourism infrastructure new major areas have developed where we have established our presence.  Our main office is located in San Jose, we have offices in our Main Operations Center (Caribbean), Manuel Antonio (Central Pacific), Corobici (Northern Pacific), and Arenal (Northern Central).

Our commitment to safety and quality has propelled us as one of the leading outfitters in the world; our President, Rafael Gallo, is also the President of The International Rafting Federation ensuring our commitment.